
Brooklyn Org mobilizes people and resources to end inequity and injustice in Brooklyn, with the belief that we can be a beacon for what’s possible. Since our founding in 2009 as Brooklyn Community Foundation, the first and only public foundation for New York City’s largest borough, we have moved over $100 million to nonprofits – responding to urgent crises, provided long-term systemic investments, and supporting the pipeline of emerging nonprofit changemakers in the borough.
Each year, through the support of our donors and partners, we invest over $5 million in high-impact nonprofits advancing racial justice at every level across Brooklyn. Our funding decisions are made in partnership with Brooklyn residents whose endorsement ensures that we are supporting highly trusted and effective organizations.

Brooklyn Org is seeking diverse, visionary, and talented Capacity Building specialists to provide training and support to our grantees and Brooklyn-based nonprofits beginning January 2024. As part of our new strategic plan, Brooklyn Org is reimagining what Capacity Building can look to better serve New York’s most populous borough. Committed to embracing this special moment in our history, we are stepping into a new era of building the capacity and power of all the changemakers who serve our Brooklyn community.
To meet our ambitious goal, we need top-tier specialists who are excited by our new vision and bring with them unique perspectives on how to make Brooklyn’s nonprofits more vibrant, resilient, and successful. We are seeking proposals from experienced specialists and firms who can address one or more prevalent issues areas mentioned in this RFP. We welcome proposals from technical, holistic, organizational, and leadership development agents who are equipped to leave Brooklyn nonprofits with practical, applicable, and measurably increased skills. In accordance with our commitment to racial justice and equity, we highly encourage qualified BIPOC-led firms and individuals as well as specialists who bring a combination of professional with lived experience to their Capacity Building practice to apply.

Brooklyn Org seeks to leverage a special framework for Capacity Building, prioritizing different training techniques at unique inflection points along the grantee and nonprofit lifecycle including:
• Facilitate greater connection among grantees, increasing their likelihood for creating healthy partnerships and strengthening collective impact
• Support demystifying grantmaker application processes
• Provide grantees with a common language including organizational diagnosis tools to assess and self-identify targeted room-for-growth areas
• Enhance continued development and learning opportunities for Senior Leadership, rising staff and Board Members
• Equip grantees with personable storytelling and networking tools to attract the right board members, volunteers, donors, and collaborators
• Leave changemakers feeling empowered with PR and marketing techniques to expand outreach to new audiences
• Navigate complex but critical landscapes including discretionary and city funding, NYC real estate markets, and governmental advocacy
• Coaching support for leaders stepping into new organizational challenges and milestones

Consultants must meet the following expectations:

• Attend a preparation and debrief meeting with the Brooklyn Org team
• Track participation
• Disseminate participant feedback surveys
• Provides all necessary materials for the workshop or training
• Provides all training materials for review at least 10 business days prior to training
• Provide communication details for participants at least 5 business days prior to training
• Will provide an updated headshot, bio and 1 sentence workshop description 

Successful Proposals Should Identify:

1. The target audience for the training or workshop (ex: Executive Directors, Managers, etc.)
2. Any attendance restrictions or requirements for the training
3. Delivery method (ex: virtual, hybrid, in-person at Brooklyn Org Main office)
4. Pre- or post- expectations, preparations, or connected offerings
5. Time commitments or expectations for participants
6. Expected outcomes of the training or workshop
7. Measurable inputs and outputs related to the training or workshop
8. History and success of previous trainings on the topic
9. Any peer-based learning 

Proposal topics can include:

 Beating burnout for nonprofit leaders
• Board Development for Board members
• Curating strong partnerships for nonprofits
• Mapping the donor journey
• MOU and contract writing
• Navigating government funding
• Strategic Planning
• StrengthsFinder for teams
• Succession Planning for Executive Directors
• Technical skills training (finance, IT, CRM etc.)
• Writing strong LOIs or grant proposals

• Brooklyn Org is moving to a streamlined grantee process with decisions made twice annually producing unique cohorts
• A substantial portion of our capacity building will lean into supporting grantees within each grantee cohort
• Brooklyn Org is currently prioritizing single or series-based trainings right now, not accelerator programs
• Proposals for single workshops or training may be submitted, but BKO reserves the right to position them within the context of wider series based or ongoing learning opportunities
• Accelerator or Incubator programming is not currently a priority

• Proposals should be no more than 2-3 pages and include contact information, budget, 
and at least 2 former client references

• Relevant work experience (links to portfolio, website, case studies) are encouraged as attachments

• The recommended budget (range) is $500 for one-hour workshops or trainings and $2,500 for series-based offerings

Please submit your proposal using the 'Attach Your Proposal' link above.

Please no unsolicited calls or inquiries following your submission. If your workshop or training proposal matches our needs, we will reach out to you directly to schedule a follow-up conversation or interview. 

To increase your proposal's likelihood of being selected, please include all requested information.

If you have clarifying questions before you submit your proposal, you can direct those to